If you don’t drive your business, you will be driven out of business. –B.C. Forbes

Your brand is your Company’s personality, but what represents your personality more than your website? It’s like an “online selfie” that depicts, reflects, and portrays how you want to be seen. What do people normally use a selfie for? It allows them to be in control of getting the best reflection of themselves to put up on social media. They can take and retake a picture until they get the perfect imagine that they feel best portrays them. Same goes for a Company. You have time to take and retake, but you have to get it right before you put your image out there. The public is looking for someone that they feel is represented well and looks like they are an expert in their industry. Does your website reflect that you are the expert? Is your site kept updated to reflect all current promotions, business hours, addresses, and relevant information?

There is nothing that people hate more than getting on a site and finding out that the phone number is ‘no longer is service’ or looking up the business hours and calling, only to find it rings and rings. These are very big turnoffs to the public eye. Do you have someone keeping things up-to-date on your website? It’s crucial. It speaks loudly of your brand and its capabilities. Your audience might have been sold on what you had to offer until they experienced these flaws on your website.

Here are some keys things to consider:

If you are like most businesses, they believe that an appealing design is enough to suffice. That is what is considered a good website to most. However, it can actually work against your brand. The whole point is to attract a specific audience that will “follow” your brand and buy it. The question is, how do you do that?

Website Design is only a small part of a great website. Being authentic sells. You want to present a good image of yourself through the site content. You don’t want bad writing or dull writing to give your customers a poor taste of you or your brand. Too much industry jargon can be a turnoff, but so can trying to be too fancy and uncommon.

Is your site user-friendly? The quickest way to lose potential customers is if they can’t easily navigate your site. Is it disorganized or out-of-date, or are the call-to-action buttons lost in a ton of different ads and banners? Clean and simple is a proven ingredient for success.

Your website needs to have up-to-date, relevant information that appeals to readers and buyers alike. It needs to include the readers by using “we” and “us” and make them see why they need to buy your brand. Does your website show consumers how your brand is relevant to them? That is the question that you should be asking yourself.

In this day and age, there are so many things to consider. As a Kansas City Website Design Company, we want to encourage you to stay on top, keeping yourself updated and relevant. How can we help? As a Kansas City Website Design Company, we want to make your online presence a “selfie” worth putting out there to the world.