A new way to stand out in midst of all the noise in today’s digital marketing landscape.

LinkedIn announced the live video feature that’s rolling out to select US users on Feb 11th. The Microsoft company has finally joined the bandwagon! Click here to learn more.

Here’s why I am excited, and you should too.

I have preached this to my clients, you better get used to being on camera because video it’s dominating today’s social platforms.

93% of businesses reported gaining a new customer as a direct result of a video posted on social media. Resource: Animoto

  • Live videos notify your connections which increases engagement
  • You can be an early adapter with LinkedIn live prior to others catching on
  • The B2B sector can finally deliver instant value to an ultra-targeted audience
  • This allows you to showcase your authenticity and brand

Right now, LinkedIn live feature is still in beta, the update will inevitably be available to all users before we know it! Keep in mind, with content marketing – EARLY ADAPTERS WILL WIN.

The key is being first is almost always better than being better.

LinkedIn is still at its infant stages when it comes to content creation for the masses. As a digital marketer I highly recommend getting your LinkedIn game on.

Please STOP procrastinating and spend all your time planning. The best content is created on the fly! I look forward to seeing you LinkedIn Live.