A lot of business owners have been approached with the question, “what is a homepage used for?” The problem and number one mistake made is that they don’t know the answer.

If I were to write a book called ‘The Top 5 Website Mistakes Building a Website for Dummies.’ Here are the top 5 things that I would focus on in the book:

Simplicity or it’s a Bust:
Those who do not keep their homepage simple and clean, waste a lot of time and energy.

The whole focus of the first page is to create a focus on what we can do for the reader, on how we can solve their problem. The first page is to get them to click and go to a second page. So, we can solve their problem, but how? Click. Mission accomplished.

It’s not about you.
I know this is disappointing, but people do not care what we want them to care about; us and our business. They care about their problem and what they are trying to solve; what they need.

Don’t let your headliners be about yourself.

Company News – No Go.
Your Company is the only one that probably cares about your Company News. Posting your news on the front page of your website is a big no go. Just don’t do it. Make sure you have a separate page to post that stuff. If you build it they will come. The reader will navigate and find what they want to read but it won’t be blaring when the website comes up. Trust me, this is a lot less confusing for those visiting your page.

Less is More.
This title explains it quite well. For beginners, let me explain further. The less texts, buttons, videos and calls to action that you have on your homepage the better it is. You don’t want to create confusion, you want to create functionality where there is a simplicity to get to page 2 of your site.

Too Much Info.
This kind of goes along with the less is more theory, but we can even go deeper than that. Think about this. When we open a webpage and it just comes open. Do you want a page jam packed with information about someone’s Company? No. It can become overwhelming and you might leave it to find a simpler, cleaner-looking page with less words to read.

End of Book.

It has been wonderful sharing with you. Here, at J29 Creative Group we deal with website design in Kansas City, but we also branch out nationally and internationally when contacted for projects. We believe that website design in Kansas City needs to reflect us as artists and as marketing and business professionals. There is so much that goes into website design in Kansas City, but we put our hearts and thoughts into producing the resolutions needed to meet your needs. **Be watching for my book. You never know, one day. It’s not like we have enough ‘for dummies’ books out yet.