What comes to mind when you think about DNA? DNA is the genetic makeup of a “living” thing that gives it its look and functioning ability. It decides everything and is the foundation of everything. So, you say, what does that have to do with us? Well, we want to share with you what we are made up of. What is the DNA of J29 Creative Group? What makes us? Where did we come from? What are our beliefs?

DNA is bursting out of the seams of every living thing. We, at J29 Creative Group, are living and active. We do not believe in holding still and sticking to formulas, but in creating a movement in the Kansas City business world with “out of the box” marketing techniques. We are the Affordable Kansas City marketing solution.

J29 Creative Group - Passion Plant

There are so many businesses both nationally and worldwide. What sets us apart from all the rest? This. We believe in giving back. This is the second part of our DNA. We came from a Corporate world where everyone just focuses on revenue. Our desire, as your affordable Kansas City marketing solution, is to gain a profit but then to give back to the community, charities and world missions. Whatever we can do to help others, we believe will in turn help us. Help us to help others!

Our founder started J29, your affordable Kansas City marketing solution, with the belief that everyone should chase after their passion and do what they love to do. The idea is that we only have so much time on this earth so we shouldn’t waste it. Having said that, are you unhappy with your career? Are you just trying to survive? Or are you making a lot of money but hating to wake up everyday and go to your job? Let’s challenge the status quo! Wouldn’t it be great to wake up everyday and do what you are passionate about and still be able to take care of your necessities? If you find your passion and do it, you will never work another day in your life. This is what we live by and why we are doing what we do. The name J29 is formulated after Jeremiah 29:11, which when summed up states, “God gives us a hope and a future.” We want to see others reach out, with hope, and take their passions out to the world as we are doing. This is just the beginning of the movement that J29 wants to create, to affect lives and businesses alike. Join us!