We, at J29, have the great privilege of marketing Kansas City Businesses. Being a local Company, we value the local businesses and the ability to get to communicate with and share in marketing their products and resources! 2015 has brought us sheer joy and we are elated to take the time to highlight our customers and thank them for their business and support. It will truly be a ‘thankful’ Thanksgiving holiday here at J29 Creative Group.

Thanksgiving is (in North America) an annual national holiday marked by religious observances and a traditional meal that includes turkey. The holiday commemorates a harvest festival celebrated by the Pilgrims in 1621, and is held in the US on the fourth Thursday in November of each year.

Many forget though what actually inspired the very first feast. It was meant to celebrate a successful growing and harvesting season. Before that time, the pilgrims were suffering from malnutrition and were basically starving. A Native America tribe called the Wampanoag came to the rescue and taught the foreigners to cultivate corn, fish in the rivers and extract sap from the trees. Then, at the end of the season, after the venture was successful, they all sat down together to give thanks for all that had been produced. This is the true American spirit, to give to those in need and to celebrate the successes of others. The American Indians helped us and in turn we celebrated with them and shared all the food that we’d been able to harvest. It is a beautiful picture of being thankful and joining with others to celebrate our thankfulness! Without everyone doing their part in the year, 1621, we probably wouldn’t be here today.

This is also a great picture of what we go through in marketing Kansas City businesses. As we market the local businesses that are in our clientele, and we see results, we all sit down to celebrate their success together. It is a group effort. We give thanks for these opportunities to celebrate with our clients!

This first Thanksgiving proves that we all need each other. Marketing Kansas City Businesses is a big job and here at J29, we know that we cannot do it without the support of our awesome team and clients. We all work together to produce the results that are needed to attain our client’s marketing goals.  Your Vision. Our