Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

There has been an observable, rapid ascent of Social Publication platforms that are poised to siphon consumer attention away from Social Media platforms. If you are wondering what on earth we are babbling about, give us 3 minutes and we will explain.

Social Publication platforms are oriented towards long-form content (think blog posts, thought leadership articles and mind-shares) and are conceived to be a source of “real news” from the beginning.

As they embrace a 3rd-party open-source concept just like Wikipedia, it results in an exploding demand for writers of all genres to contribute to their platforms. As an example, successful application to Newsbreak meant that writers are paid $1,000 per month (for the first 3 months, accurate at point of writing) to write.

Other Social Publication platforms works on different business models. Medium pays writers via readership, and Vocal is big on thematic competition. Each of these platforms are unique in their own ways and that allows freelance/full-time contributors to make a living from their craft.

And that brings me to a critical point of difference between Social Publications platforms and Social Media. The pathway to monetization is direct in the Social Publication world. Write and get paid. We can still monetize via Social Media, and to that point, it requires more effort on our part.

The next point of difference has to do with the content type. Simple, straightforward, bullet-points that amassed thousands of likes on Social Media do not work on Social Publication platforms. They are designed to be a platform for writing long-form, with proper introduction, topic elaboration, pros and cons, and conclusion.

One more point to note, Social Publication platforms involve editors for quality assurance. Social media like contents and linguistic inadequacies are quickly eliminated. Where there are no penalties for copying word for word on Social Media, plagiarism is a sin on Social Publication platforms and is condemned.

Of course, there are similarities. Both Social Media and Social Publication platforms require copywriting, which is designed to attract and hold the readers’ attention span for as long as possible.

Both of these platform-types is brilliant extension of our websites. Think about it this way. These platforms have millions of account holders. Having them read our content, long or short, invokes curiosity on our profile which brings them to our website.

They belong to one eco-system within the Digital World.

The ability to use them to our advantage is an advantage, and J29Creative is positioned to do just that.


This website article has been summarised and polished by J29Creative’s Asia Alliance Business Alliance Director, Aldric. The purpose of this article is for knowledge sharing and content distribution and all sensitive client information has been removed prior to external dissemination.

Aldric Chen is the Business Alliance Director for J29Creative and is responsible to grow the company’s presence in Asia-Pacific and below. Reach out to him for his insights through email “” or his Linkedin Profile.