We all need to play. Adults tend to forget how to play because they lose their childlike curiosity. Playful Awareness is about rediscovering yourself at that basic level.” says Sara Minges, the owner of Playful Awareness.

In 2000, Sara Minges, a graduate of the University of Tennessee, received her B.A. in Psychology and set herself on a path
that led to many discoveries. It became a journey that led her to discover how to help others. She took on many different roles through her various jobs and internships. Her experiences range from psychiatric and mental health facilities to a clinical internship at a domestic violence shelter. Lastly, before starting her business, she worked for the Gillis Center as an Intensive in-home services specialist. Her job description entailed helping parents, who were about to lose their children to the State, to get things straightened out so that the family can stay together.

There was a lot involved through these jobs and through all these experiences of helping others but she felt there was a lack of “attentive” care for the people in need, who were seeking out help. The resources were available but not the attention to the details of their care, to the process, or to focusing on the steps and how they would get to their recovery. Those things are just as important as having the resources.

Her vision has been, through her practice, to create an atmosphere in which to deal with anxiety and depression that plagues our society, as well as with ADHD, complex trauma and attachment issues and Borderline Personality Disorders. She chooses not to use medication but through a holistic approach, playful therapy, wellness coaching and essential oils she can touch and change the lives of others. There are times that she does refer some of her clients to a psychiatrist, for a medication consultation, as needed.

On her clock, she tries to provide as many therapeutic options as possible and strives to create a relaxing atmosphere where people can come, sip a cup of coffee and relax.  She understands that sometimes people just need someone to listen to them, so she strives to make a relaxed environment that encourages them to feel comfortable to share. Play therapy (a type of psychotherapy that focuses on processing emotions on a sensory level) is a big part of what she uses to get clients in touch with rediscovering, loving, comforting and embracing themselves. She calls it self-love.

Seeking help? Do you want to understand yourself better? Would you like to enjoy life to the fullest? Then, take my advice and check out Playful Awareness! You can find Ms. Minges at one of her two offices, both located in Prairie Village.