What is Social Media?

It is the new best friend of business owners, worldwide. It is no joke that it is becoming as important as a brick and mortar, but online, and can be considered an essential marketing tool.

Known as the largest social network, Facebook is often the first consideration when a business makes the decision to get started in social media. That is all well and good, except that many people think that Facebook doesn’t really help their business. They feel it’s all about the likes, bout those likes, bout those likes, but they are wrong! A “like” is simply saying, “I like your picture or I like what you shared.” Being engaging is more important than getting someone to just “like” your post or advertisement. The whole point is to take interest and use it to generate a lead or potential customer. To do this we must dig deeper into the realm of engagement. This leads me to ask you this question:

What is engagement?

It is the act of being involved, caught up and interacting with. To engage is to participate in.
How do we engage clients on Facebook? As a Kansas City Facebook advertising firm, we collectively look at what Company we are trying to market, the demographics of those people to whom we are marketing to, the age group within the demographics and then follow suite to post pictures, articles and questions that will stimulate conversation. We get to know the people in our demographics and build a good rapport with them, creating a sense of relationship. We, as a Company need to build a brand, credibility, trust and relationship, doing it all online first. Then, drawing them in, through that relationship, to seek out our business. Your social media represents you to the client. So, we have to make it captivating and engaging or we just stop at a “like.”

Kansas City Facebook advertising is where it is at. The DMR report (stats) state that the total number of Facebook daily active users (DAU) is at 1.038 billion! That is over a billion people on Facebook daily! Take an ad and boost it across a given network. Kansas City Facebook advertising can help you strategize how you can use click bait to engage people and get them involved in your ad. If they converse on a given subject, then they will usually be back for more or at least will have that ad categorized in their memory. Then you keep putting out ads with the purpose of building and keep yourself top of mind. Remember, it must be things that interest your population. Get engagement and you will eventually, over time, get loyal customers. #buildyourbrand #beyourbrand #socialmedia