In an internal meeting between the J29 Asia-Pacific Business Alliance Director and Company Founder, many questions collated from prospects and clients is discussed and ironed-out. These questions have been synthesized into the following ones and responses have been edited for publication purposes.

# 1 – How Much Is A Website? What Does It Cover? (Video @ 0:06)

Website is like a content management system, the way WordPress and WIX is. They are heavily customisable to the needs of the prospects and clients without blowing their budgets. A standard offer comprises of 5 web pages starting at USD $12,000. This website belongs to the clients, when the administrator rights are handed over to the client at the end of completion.

While this is not a specific price point, and the number of web pages is not fixed strictly at 5 either, At the end of the day, 5 – 8 pages would be normal where a simple personal branding website would fall into the lower end (5 – 6 pages) and e-commerce websites go to the higher end (7 – 8 pages).

There is no need to have more webpages if the need is just not present.

# 2 – We Are Benchmarking A USD $12,000 investment with A 5 – 8 pages website. Isn’t That A Hefty Price Tag Compared To The Freelancers / Independent Software Engineers? (Video @ 2:23)

Comparisons with Gig Economy can be made, though the important thing to take note is this. Clients get what they pay for. With J29Creative, we have a team working for our clients and we are contactable. We continue our work when the person-in-charge leaves the company.

And plus, we are a Digital Marketing and Creative Agency. Many people forget that software engineers aren’t business people. At J29Creative, we understand the business because we are marketers. We speak the language of our clients.

The price tag is not a premium. Instead, we choose not to discount great work and service we provide to our clients. Plus, we work to ensure that the website can scale when our clients grow. The websites we develop are not catered just for today. They are future-proof.

# 3 – Why Do We Need A Website? Is Social Media Alone, Sufficient? (Video @ 6:27)

In today’s social media World, platforms come and go. There is no guarantee that social media platforms will last. What happens when we bang on one platform and it goes away forever? The effort committed to build a following and the contents we share will be gone forever too.

With websites – It is an entirely different ballgame. The website stays with our clients, unless the internet goes away. Our clients’ websites drive awareness and funnel leads back to their businesses, without having to worry about algorithm changes on a daily basis. Our clients dictate how they want their websites to perform. That is not the case with social media platforms.

Social media platforms may take down our contents due to external considerations (such as politics or suspected election meddling). Our website doesn’t because we own and control it.

# 4 – Who Should Have A Website? Is It True That Everyone Should Have One? (Video @ 8:10)

Having a presence online builds credibility and personal branding. If we are in the business of freelancer, coaching, consulting – We should definitely have one. In fact, the website takes away the heavy lifting in terms of contents and prospect funneling. They are up and running when we are engaged in a client meeting and they help us compete internationally 24/7.

This is a brochure in a digital format.

# 5 – How Important Is Look And Feel To A Website? (Video @ 10:02)

85% of website viewing are conducted through mobile devices and businesses are falling behind. Many websites are not compatible with smart devices. Websites have to be designed for user scrolling. Thus, having J29Creative around ensures that our clients’ websites are always compatible with the times.

When it comes to the aesthetics – The first impression is everything. We take care of the pixilation and videography to ensure that our clients are portrayed in the way that they ought to be. This goes beyond software development. Our client’s business matters.

This website article has been summarized and polished by J29Creative’s Asia Alliance Business Alliance Director, Aldric. The purpose of this article is for knowledge sharing and content distribution and all sensitive client information has been removed prior to external dissemination.

Aldric Chen is the Business Alliance Director for J29Creative and is responsible to grow the company’s presence in Asia-Pacific and below. Reach out to him for his insights through email “” or his Linkedin Profile.