Your business is floating. It’s making a profit, but not a large one. The economy or desire for your particular product has plummeted. People are finicky and you, knowing this, feel you need to pull down the sail and just sit for a while, at least until the wind picks back up and carries you along over the waves. Be honest, where is the first place that people think about when looking to cut overhead costs? If it was your company, where would you imagine cutting the extra costs out first? Good question. A lot of companies will pull out marketing, without a question. They feel that they’ve built up some momentum through their marketing campaigns and want to pull in their sails to rely on whatever marketing is still hanging out there, just for the time being. It is a standard procedure, right? Right. You are right, it is a very standard procedure to pull marketing out of the budget first but is it safe? Is this a smart move? Should we just sit out in the water, helplessly, and wait for the wind? Nope. I’m going to tell you why.

J29 Creative Group believes affordable marketing should be available for the Kansas City area because when the wind stops blowing into your sails (ex: your sales decrease during the winter months or because business is low), you need to keep momentum so that you don’t lose speed. If you pull your sails down and just sit, it is more work to get them back up and get that boat moving again across the water.

Through SEO and affordable marketing, the momentum builds within a sail to push your business across the water, to keep a steady flow of leads and sales coming in. This is what ultimately supports your business. Just like there is a foundation for a house, so is marketing for a business. It is the wind in your sails, the foundation of your brand. It is what gets you out there and keeps you top of mind. It is what ‘sets you apart’ from businesses who cut that out during times of hardship. Affordable marketing is the key to your success. The difference between those that sit with a dream and those who succeed in that dream, is their mindset. They never pull down their sails, even if they tip over. They pull her back up and keep sailing across the waves to their destination.

In closing, when times get tough, don’t drop marketing, look to J29 for affordable marketing solutions to keep you steadily moving forward and don’t lose the momentum that fuels the dreams of your success story. It is the important ingredient to keep marketing and sales alive. It is one investment you don’t want to stop!