First off, who loves Donald Trump? Give me a show of hands. Ok, well, since I can’t see how many hands just went up from that question, I will have to then resort to using ‘market research analytics’ to find out how many of you like Donald Trump. This is what the politicians have to depend on as well. In order to find out how many people are going to vote in their favor, they use digital marketing to gather the data needed and use marketing techniques to campaign and portray that desired image to the public. What the public wants to see, they become through digital marketing. They use voter profiling in order to create their target market. Then, they create a political brand through which they present themselves to the public. Last, but not least, they strategize to create an attractive vision that will draw people in to vote for them. They do not just wake up one morning and decide to do a talk show or create a commercial. Everything is thought out, planned out, and strategized with the help of professionals in the digital marketing industry.

Gregg Schwartz, Director of Sales and Marketing at Strategic Sales & Marketing for Entrepreneur says, “Whether you agree or disagree with Trump, there’s no denying that his candidacy has been a powerful force in the race and has commanded a great deal of media attention.” Mr. Schwartz has a definite point. Trump doesn’t care if you love or hate him. He knows his target audience and he chooses to whose emotions he appeals even through his rough and tough talk. Trump hasn’t changed anything, he is just talking politics now instead of business deals. Secondly, like him or not, Trump is famous. He has branded himself and is well known for his accomplishments as a businessman, a New York real estate developer, best-selling author and for his role on “the Apprentice (TV reality show).” He has a name and he knows his brand. Don’t we all? There isn’t anyone, that I have met, that hasn’t heard of the name Donald Trump. The other lesson to be learned from Trump is his honesty. It doesn’t matter how abrupt he says things, his target market and core believers like that he speaks the truth. He just says it like he sees it.

We can learn some things, even from Donald Trump, on how to market ourselves in this day and age. We can get ideas of what people want to see and hear by watching these presidential candidates and politicians use their marketing techniques. As a business in Kansas City, what image do you want to portray through digital marketing in Kansas City? What is your target market and what strategies do you have in place to accomplish your plans? Digital Marketing in Kansas City is definitely competitive, just as the presidential elections.  You want to have a solid strategy and hire a team familiar with digital marketing in Kansas City to give you recommendations.  You want to make your dreams a reality! At the end of the day, your goal is for your audience to vote “YOU.”