Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat.

Sound familiar? On the 31st of every October, the chants of children at your door, looking for some treats, are always there. Some people try to avoid it so they leave their porch light off in order to avoid having children ring their doorbell. Most children, with the help of their guardians, step around that house and go toward the next house with a porch light on, but if there is no guardian, they may still attempt to ring the bell. What child doesn’t want a lot of candy in their bags? This is similar to the social media engagement in Kansas City. As a business, we want social media engagement online but people are afraid to “turn on their porch light” and to put themselves out there. There is so much media and so many articles that produce fear in regards to the web. What people don’t know is, it’s already all online. Everything you want to know about a person you can find on websites like Those reports do not mess around. They have every detail of your life there and anyone that wants to pay for a subscription can find out anything they want to know about you.

Let’s not underestimate being wise about where we put out info onto the web, but social media engagement in Kansas City is important now a days for the climate of our business world. So many things are handled online now and less of the face to face, at least up front. To keep up, we need to have a social media presence and have a safe place for people to engage in the numerous activities that online engagement offers. The business world needs engagement to increase online. Online is one way that business market themselves, attract customers and get ideas through consumer studies. But how do we get that to happen if everyone is scared to use the internet and put anything that might draw attention to themselves? Some people won’t even use Facebook because they are so afraid of having too much exposure. They are afraid someone is going to hone in on them, specifically. I don’t even know what all they are afraid of?! Don’t get me wrong, the world is not a perfectly safe place.

There are tricks and there are treats, negatives and positives. It is important to know your boundaries and know where you are safe. It is also equally important to keep up with technology so that you know what is going on. Our world is headed in the direction of using technology for everything, we already do, in fact. We, atJ29 Creative, believe in balance. Shakespeare had it right when he said, “To be or not to be, that is the question.” That is the real question. Do we pull ourselves completely offline or do we educate ourselves so we can be online safely, with knowledge and wisdom? Are you going to be online or not be online? When you move forward with being involved in the social media engagement in Kansas City, make sure that you research if it’s a trick or a treat and don’t miss out on all the great things the internet has to offer. It is a great place to interact on a social level and on a business level. You can find out everything you need to know about a business before you ever walk in its doors. You can read and write reviews on businesses and restaurants that can help other people to make informed choices before using their services or enjoying their foods. It is a discussion board, a counselor, an informer, an bookkeeper and anything else you need it to be for you (Ex: Google search). It can make life a lot easier and help business to broaden their horizons. This Halloween, as you celebrate, think ‘Trick or Treat’ and have a fantastic time online!