Albert Einstein once said, “To stimulate creativity, one must develop the childlike inclination for play.”

Picasso stated, “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”

Everyone has thoughts when they are young of what they want to be when they grow up. Some even maintain that passion into late childhood, but how many people really believe that they can be what they want to be? How many sustain the passion and wonder that turns into a lifelong career? Between the stages of childhood, adolescence and adulthood, there is an element of imagination and creativity that is most times lost. To this day, I could count on one hand those whom have sustained, pursued and became the person they dreamed up in their childhood.

Therein lies the question that this Kansas City Marketing Agency wants to answer. Why are some children born with a drive to thrive? How do those people pass through adolescence and go into adulthood maintaining that passion for something? Whether it be a career or a love of something that becomes a business concept, they can carry it through and thrive in it during their adult years.

I have seen many people that are so lost. Why was the book “Purpose Driven Life” so popular? Because everyone is searching for purpose. So much of humanity has never found their passion or zest for anything. They never discovered it. One study involving 350 children showed that kids’ natural tendency to daydream and wonder declines around 4th grade. What has been concluded is that people tend to, through the force of school and work environments, focus on logic, reason and facts lose their childlike imagination and zeal for life.

I was speaking with a friend about this topic and the funny thing was, she said that just today she had just asked herself the same question. If I had money and it wasn’t an issue, what would I do? What job would I get? What am I passionate about? Herein lies the question that haunts most people. If you laid in bed in night and thought about it and had no answer. How would that make you feel?  Everyone needs a passion and a purpose. Passion is birthed through our imagination. One that God intended to use for His glory. Imagination is God-given and in it lies our passion. To get in touch with passion, we must get in touch with God and remember our childlike fantasies. Who you were created to be was already born in you when you were born. You acted out those things in your youth. They were things that you already showed an interest in, that made you feel the most familiar when you did them. These were things that caused you the most amount of comfort. That were natural to you. Think back for a minute. What were they? What was it? Our Kansas City Marketing Agency wants to know and we want to help.

Our founder wants to use J29 Creative Group, a Kansas City Marketing Agency as a vehicle to help rebirth the organic passion that was born within you. We want to awaken your childlike imagination to find who you are and what you were made to love. To do what you love is to love what you do. This creates a society with lives that are full of life. God can finally fully enjoy what He has created. A people of passion.